Kasich: Evangelicals Are Divided on Trump — ‘Strong Group’ Supported Christianity Today Editorial

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Newsroom,” the former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) said evangelical Christians were divided in support for President Donald Trump and supported the Christianity Today editorial calling for the president’s removal from office.

Kasich said, “I have actually spoken to the editor, he’s now retired, of Christianity Today, and I’ve followed this closely. People in the country need to understand that Evangelicals are divided. There is a strong group that supported the editorial in Christianity Today, a very strong group, but there’s also a group that has really significantly attacked him.”

He continued, “The community is divided. And why? One group takes a look at policies. The other one is taking a look at something that I happen to think is more significant, and that is the attitude he brings to healing, the attitude that he brings to not demonizing people. That’s one of the reasons why I haven’t supported this man. We should know that the Evangelicals themselves are split. We’ll have to see how this develops. There’s a lot of them that have shaked their head at their brothers and sisters who are sort of blindly supporting. I mean, I’ve seen some — you know one thing that bothers me when I see some of them hanging out at Mar-a-Lago. Don’t get close to power like that. You have a different mission in life, and sometimes it’s to warn those in power.”

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