Levin Slams Mueller’s ‘Impeachment Report’ — Written for the Media and the Democrats in the House

Sunday on his Fox News Channel show “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Mark Levin, author of “Unfreedom of the Press,” sounded off on what he called “the greatest scandal in American history”: FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year investigation into alleged Russia collusion with President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Levin called the Mueller report a “pathetic joke of a report.”

“There’s no collusion, says the special counsel. That takes one sentence. It doesn’t take 200 damn pages. It doesn’t take $35 million dollars,” Levin declared.

He added, “This is an abuse of power by a prosecutor. This is the only prosecutor in the entire country who writes a report under Justice Department regulations, a report that is only supposed to go to the attorney general, who then makes decisions about whether to release any of it. Or all of it, because there’s no requirement for this to be released at all.”

Levin went on to say the Mueller report was written for members of the media and House Democrats, who all pushed for Trump’s impeachment but have since shifted to looking into obstruction of justice charges against the president.

“They wrote it for CNN, they wrote it for MSNBC, they wrote it for Nadler and Schiff and all the other reprobates. They wrote the report for them,” Levin explained.

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