WATCH: Breitbart Confronts ‘The Daily Show’ at Milo’s ‘Gays for Trump’ Party

Breitbart News shuts down Daily Show (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)
Joel Pollak / Breitbart News

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak sent The Daily Show running for cover, armed only with his cell phone camera, outside a “Gays for Trump” party hosted by Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos near the Republican National Convention early Wednesday.

A crew from The Daily Show — which plunged in the ratings after Trevor Noah took over as host— set up outside the event and approached people as they left the party, asking them for interviews.

At 12:30 a.m., Pollak was leaving the party when The Daily Show approached. “I was on the phone anyway,” Pollak recalled, “so I ignored them, but then I saw them pulling someone aside, so I stopped to watch.” The Breitbart senior editor-at-large ended his call, and turned on his video camera.

The Daily Show didn’t like that. Their attempt to stop Pollak wasn’t funny, and included physical intimidation and a blatant disregard for the First Amendment.

“I wanted to shoot raw footage of their interview with a young, gay conservative, because I wanted to compare it to their final cut and see whether they had been fair to him,” Pollak recalled.

“I didn’t want this person to be humiliated merely for being gay and having the ‘wrong’ political views,” Pollak added.

“They told me not to film, then they told me —incorrectly — that I couldn’t film them, and then one of their reporters pushed me. Finally, they gave up, packed up their cameras and ran away.”

Here is another angle, filmed The New American Media:

The episode is merely the latest example of the American Left’s newest fetish for destroying free speech. Milo himself has been hit especially hard by the would-be Thought Police, who repeatedly tried to shut down his recent tour of U.S. college campuses, and last night suspended him permanently from Twitter, just minutes before the Gays for Trump event.

Milo himself dealt with his threat to free speech in his address to party goers Tuesday night:

The actions of the thugs from The Daily Show are shocking, and they rip the lid off the real purpose off the show: political propaganda disguised as entertainment. They weren’t trying to hide their “jokes” but were trying to keep their dwindling viewership from seeing how they make the sausage.

It’s as ugly as (insert politically incorrect Leslie Jones joke here) — and it’s no laughing matter.


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