Highway Traffic Sign Reprogrammed: ‘Vote Donald Trump’

Donald Trump sign (Nikki Miles Worden / Facebook)
Nikki Miles Worden / Facebook

A prankster had some Christmas fun over the weekend by programming–or reprogramming–a California highway traffic sign with a message supporting the frontrunner in the Republican presidential race.

“Inland Empire supports Donald Trump. Merry Xmas. Vote Donald Trump,” read the altered Caltrans sign on the Interstate 15 freeway in Corona.

A Caltrans spokesperson confirmed to local ABC affiliate KABC that the sign remained up for an unknown amount of time.

Area resident Nikki Worden told the outlet that she passed the sign while returning home from seeing a movie. Worden said she was so shocked she had to exit the freeway and take another pass just to record it.

Worden later posted the video to Facebook, where it has racked up more than 425,000 hits since Christmas.

The sign appears to be the work of Sabo, the rogue graphic artist who has previously used street signs to make biting political statements.

In June, an unknown person (possibly Sabo) commandeered a construction sign in Brentwood ahead of high-dollar Hollywood fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The sign alternated messages including “EXPECT DELAYS 18-19TH,” “HILLARY BACK BEGGING,” “CRUZ FOR PREZ 2016” and “PAY2PLAY HILLARY BEGS 4 $.”


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