Ca DMV Expanding to Accommodate Thousands of Illegal Aliens

DR Licnese mage

The California Department of Motor Vehicles are increasing appointments for customers and recommending that people use the internet to help them with their registration, licenses and other needs.

Since the new California law kicked in on January 2 granting illegal immigrants the right to acquire drivers licenses, the DMV has been overwhelmed, often times leaving customers waiting on line for hours. The Orange County Register, reported that customers are reporting long wait times lasting hours even for those with appointments.

“We understand everyone’s time is important and are working to provide the best possible customer service to all Californians who visit the DMV,” said DMV Director Jean Shiomoto in a news release Friday. “We are further increasing appointment opportunities and reminding customers that many routine transactions do not require visiting the DMV at all — so save time and go online.”

The DMV, however, contends that since the first week of the new law, wait times in DMVs for customers with appointments has dropped from 32 minutes to 14 minutes, and for walk-in customers the time has decreased from 90 to 60 minutes.

DMV officials expect to hire another 900 workers to accommodate the expected 1.4 million new drivers that will result from the new law. Breitbart News reported in January that DMV employees should overlook identity theft by applicants “who may have attempted to obtain or been issued a license or ID card previously through submission of false information.”


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