Sacramento Officials Were Not Told About Suspected Ebola Case

Sacramento Officials Were Not Told About Suspected Ebola Case

Sacramento City officials say they were not informed that there is a potential Ebola victim in their mist and that the fatal virus might have reached California’s capital city.

Councilman Allen Warren of Sacramento’s District 2 told Fox 40,about that issue,” when asked if the council had any knowledge about thesituation.

And according to Vice Mayor Jay Schenirer, “We work with the county on that. So, if there was something going onand the county wanted us to know, we would be following their lead.”

The patient is currently in isolation at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center while health officials and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention await lab results to determine whether or not the individual is carrying the deadly disease.

With the widespread outbreak of the bleeding out, or hemorrhagic, disease throughout West Africa – which has thus far resulted in over 1,200 deaths – the issue is not simply on the radar of the medical community; the bulk of concern and attention being paid to ensuring the disease does not make its way into the civilian population has also become an issue to be managed by local municipalities.

Infectious disease specialist atKaiser Permanente in North California Dr. Stephen Parodi said the patient has been isolated “ina specially equippednegative pressure room” where trained staff are using “personalprotective equipment” and are coordinating “with infectious diseasespecialists.”

Late Tuesday evening, California’s Department of Public Health reportedly issued a statement calling the Sacramento case “low-risk” while noting that testing was being done “out of an abundance of caution.”

The patient’s test results are expected by week’s end.


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