Nolte: CNN Spreads Fake News About ’22 School Shootings’ in 2018


Just moments after news broke Friday of a mass shooting at a Santa Fe, Texas, school, the far-left CNN was already spreading lies about this being the twenty-second school shooting of 2018.

The dictionary’s definition of a school shooting is a “violent act in which someone, usually a student, uses a gun to kill or injure teachers, students, and staff.”

A reading of CNN’s madcap definition of a school shooting informs us that a car backfiring in the parking lot of a Burger King across the street from an abandoned community college only just barely manages to be excluded.

Here is just a taste of what CNN does define as a “school shooting”:

  • A student shot another student with a BB gun in Gloversville Middle School.
  • A teacher accidentally discharged a gun during a public safety class at Seaside High School, injuring a student.
  • One person was hospitalized after a shooting at an apartment building on the campus of the University of South Alabama.
  • Two people were shot to death at a dormitory on the campus of Central Michigan University. The victims were not students and police think the incident stemmed from a domestic situation.
  • A person was shot in a rec center at Mississippi Valley State University. Police said the person was not a student and the injury was not life-threatening.
  • A fight led to a shooting in the parking lot of Lincoln High School, fatally wounding a 32-year-old man.

The list goes on and on like that, like a ghoulish Saturday Night Live skit (a BB gun!) mocking the awfulness of actual school shootings, where an armed monster enters a school determined to kill as many innocent people as possible.

Even the left-wing PolitiFact has said that describing suicides, accidental discharges, robbery shootings, after-hours shootings between grown men in a parking lot, and the like as school shootings is a lie.

You would think a cable news outlet that is seeing its ratings plummet by -30 percent and more would focus a little more on accuracy and integrity, but this is the same CNN that measures special counsel Robert Mueller’s evidence in “bytes” and employs staffers who put crosshairs over President Trump … and that was just this week.

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