April Ratings: Another Catastrophe for Dead-Last CNN

Jeff Zucker, President of CNN, is interviewed during a Financial Times Future of News even

Far-left CNN’s highest rated show, Anderson Cooper 360, came in a humiliating 24th for April, behind every single program on Fox News that airs after 6 a.m.

With 1.1 million viewers, Cooper was also the only CNN show that managed to attract more than a million viewers. Erin Burnett, the second-highest rated show on CNN, came in 27th place and drew only 965,00 total viewers. Jake Tapper, who is being sold as some kind of superstar, slid face first into 32nd place with only 927,000 viewers.

For the third month in a row, CNN’s New Day is the lowest-rated show in all of cable news (that airs after 6 a.m.), placing 41st with a scant 625,000 viewers. The show, co-hosted by anti-Trump activists Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, only barely beat Fox & Friends First (#42 with 572,000 viewers), which airs at 4 a.m.!

New Day was slaughtered by its direct timeslot competition, Fox & Friends (#14, with 1.53 million viewers) and Morning Joe (#26, with 1.07 million viewers).

Sean Hannity is again the king of cable news with 3.264 million viewers. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow landed in second place with 3 million. Tucker Carlson (2.6 million), Laura Ingraham (2.5 million), and Lawrence O’Donnell (2.3 million) round out the top five.

In all of basic cable — meaning in competition with every cable network, not just cable news — Fox News was once again the most-watched, with an average of 2.4 million primetime viewers and 1.4 million total day viewers. In the all-important primetime hours, MSNBC came in third place. CNN thudded into eighth.

CNN ranked a smidge better in the 18-54 age demo, but that is all about advertising rates, not bragging rates.

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