Breitbart Editor Ejected From Amber Rose Slut Walk By Police

Milo Lauren Southern Slut Walk
Josh LeCash

Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was ejected from the Amber Rose Slut Walk in Los Angeles this afternoon. Slut Walkers could be heard yelling to police officers, “Thanks for taking out the trash!”‎

Yiannopoulos was reporting from the event with a film crew, interviewing Rebel Media broadcaster and Canadian libertarian politician Lauren Southern about the feminist movement which protests against “rape culture” and “slut-shaming.”

Southern had just asked host Amber Rose whether she believed in rape culture. Event organizers immediately announced to Breitbart that they were calling law enforcement to have both journalists escorted from Pershing Square in downtown LA.

Protesters snatched and tore up Yiannopoulos’s placard, which read: “‘Rape Culture And Harry Potter’: Both Fantasy” in view of the police, who stood by while protesters bellowed and grabbed at a second placard that read, “Regret is not Rape.”‎

Organisers claimed the journalists and film crews were trespassing on a private event despite both Yiannopoulos and Southern having tickets.

When challenged, they then claimed that the filming equipment was the problem, despite dozens of revellers using iPhone equipment to record and broadcast the event.

When asked if Yiannopoulos and Southern could remain if they only used mobile phones, an organiser said yes, then no, then repeated that the police were en route to escort both reporters from the Slut Walk.

LAPD officers arrived within a few minutes, threatening arrest if Yiannopoulos and Southern did not immediately leave Pershing Square.

Turnout for the Slut Walk‎ was meager. Organizers told Breitbart that 6,000 tickets had been sold, but at most 250 guests attended, most of whom were seemingly there simply to meet Rose. A spattering of hardcore feminist activists were present.

The end result of today’s Slut Walk was ironic: a protest against patriarchy calling on the patriarchy to eject a female politician and a gay reporter, and another blow for press freedom and freedom of speech.

A ‎Breitbart cameraman recorded the incident. Footage will be published on Tuesday.


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