‘Fact-Checker’ Challenge: Publish Planned Parenthood Videos that Prove Fiorina ‘Lied’


Because Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina dared Wednesday night to be a woman who attacked the mainstream media’s holy temple of abortion, the lying fact-checkers came out in force before the CNN debate was even over to punish her for sharing with the world the horrors of the infamous Planned Parenthood videos released over the summer.

As an example, the prominent fact checkers at the left-wing Washington Post, Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee Lee, attacked Fiorina with this word salad of misinformation:

“As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

— business executive Carly Fiorina

Fiorina might have trouble finding this video to show to Clinton. No video has surfaced showing the scene Fiorina describes taking place inside a Planned Parenthood facility.

But the third episode of secretly taped videos by the Center for Medical Progress includes a disturbing interview with a technician at a biotechnology company that had partnered with Planned Parenthood affiliates in California to purchase aborted fetus parts.

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway has done the yeoman’s work of dismantling these dishonest and dissembling attacks. Here’s the rub:

As for Fiorina’s quote, she is likely referring to the entirety of the 10 videos, including the seventh video released by the Center for Medical Progress. Watch the full video for yourself. It does, in fact, show a fully formed fetus, heart beating and legs kicking. And it shows this while Holly O’Donnell, a former organ harvester who worked for StemExpress at a Planned Parenthood affiliate, graphically discuss the harvesting of a brain from a baby whose heart was beating.

Like the rest of the lying media (CNN, Politico, Vox, PolitiFact, etc.), rather than back up their claim that Fiorina lied with the documentation of the segments of actual videos in question, the Washington Post refuse to.

The reason for this is obvious: the videos do in fact back up Carly’s claims and the media does not want the public to see any part of these videos without a MSM filter firmly in place.

These dishonest, highly partisan fact-checking attacks on Fiorina are just another part of the media’s ongoing cover-up to protect Planned Parenthood and smother the Nazi-like horrors exposed in the videos.

Furthermore, an important part of the media’s plan to protect their sacred temple of infanticide is to try and make anyone who dares speak the truth about Planned Parenthood pay a political price. It’s a common bullying tactic we see in our media. Thankfully, Fiorina doesn’t strike me as the kind of Republican who will be bullied.

Challenge to Media Fact-Checkers: All we’re asking is that you publish or broadcast the documentation that backs up your claim against Ms. Fiorina.

The fact that you can’t and won’t do it only proves you that you are the liars and cowards.

P.S. The media is also claiming Fiorina didn’t smile last night. The photo above is from last night.  


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