From Jack Mirkinson writing at Salon:
Donald Trump may, in most respects, be a pestilential blight on our world, but there is one undeniably helpful service that he provides: his Twitter feed. Anyone looking for a real-time bulletin of Trump’s insecurities, ill-considered opinions and ever-shifting roster of arch-nemeses need do nothing more than head to @realDonaldTrump.
The best part of the feed is when Trump decides that he has a new enemy who needs to be taken down. He is refreshingly forthright about who has gotten under his skin lately, even though the targets change constantly. So it was easy to figure out who Trump felt had wronged him on Thursday night, when he headlined the first Republican presidential debate of the 2016 campaign.
“Wow, @megynkelly really bombed tonight,” he tweeted, later adding, “I really enjoyed the debate tonight even though the @FoxNews trio, especially @megynkelly, was not very good or professional!”
Kelly and her colleagues all went after Trump on Thursday. In fact, the trio was tough on almost all of the prospective candidates in the debate. But it was obvious throughout the proceedings that they saved their choicest pieces of venom for the Donald.
Kelly was especially brutal, confronting Trump about his history of nakedly misogynistic comments towards women. His response was, to say the least, ugly.
And that’s exactly what Megyn Kelly and Fox News wanted.
Read the rest of the story at Salon.
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