CNN Embraces Far-Left ‘Climate Change’ Initiative

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For almost two years now, Breitbart News has documented CNN’s turn to the hard-left under the leadership of Jeff Zucker. The turn became obvious in 2013 when Breitbart News reported that Zucker had issued a memo reassuring all of the media world that his network would fully embrace further restrictions on our Second Amedment civil rights.

On Wednesday, through something called the “Two Degrees Celsius” initiative, CNN officially embraced the left’s Global Warming hoax:

CNN Digital’s John Sutter, recently awarded by the American Society of News Editors for his public service journalism, will embark on another project in democratic journalism, asking the audience to choose topics around the theme of climate change. …

The topic below with the most votes on Monday at 8 a.m. ET is the one Sutter will report in May:

  • Disappearing coast: Where do ‘climate refugees’ go as seas rise?
  • Melting Arctic: Why does Arctic sea ice matter to all of us?
  • Bye-bye animals: Which species would two degrees of warming kill off first?
  • Most vulnerable place: Which country is being hardest hit by climate change?
  • Mega droughts: Are California’s water woes a window into the future?
  • Dead crops: Yields of corn and wheat may drop 10% to 30%.

Although the so-called science around the Climate Change Hoax has been collapsing spectacularly for the last decade, none of that is mentioned by CNN.  Nor is the fact that the planet hasn’t warmed in 15 years. For poltical purposes, CNN is blindly pushing pure alarmism based on flawed science.


CNN’s move to the far-left is calculated; the idea being to salvage itself by steal viewers from MSNBC. In the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age demo, that gambit appears to be working. The dirty little secret about CNN’s comeback narrative, however, is that MSNBC still enjoys more overall primetime viewers than CNN. Zucker is spending a fortune to revamp CNN’s programming and tarnishing the brand by moving the network even further to the Left than it already was.

Nevertheless, CNN still pulls in fewer primetime viewers than the sinking MSNBC.


John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC             


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