L.A. Times Fails To Endorse Barbara 'Call Me Senator' Boxer On Grounds Of Stupidity

Amazing but true: the Los Angeles Times, which hardly ever met a Democrat it didn’t want to endorse, today has decided to remain neutral in the California primary.

On the Democratic side, we find that we’re no fans of incumbent Barbara Boxer. She displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could.

No. Really?

[youtube f0CprVYsG0k nolink]

I mean, really?

[youtube FE_jGD5nZ6U nolink]

You’re kidding, right? Not enough “intellectual firepower?”

[youtube 73Mdxa-cKyk nolink]

Why, not since Pericles of Athens —

[youtube qhJWdSneby0 nolink]

Maybe you’re right…

[youtube V3FnpaWQJO0 nolink]


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