Veteran Hollywood writer David Simon took to Twitter Thursday and appeared to place blame for the deadly shooting at the Capital-Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, on President Donald Trump.

“Blood today in an American newsroom. Aren’t you proud, you vile, fascist son of a bitch,” Simon tweeted, responding to a Trump tweet in which the president said the “fake news media … is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!”

Simon followed that profanity-laced tweet with another, where he appeared to argue President Trump is responsible for today’s shooting.

“Fuck you. A friend has not yet reported in safe. It is Trump’s direct language: ‘Enemy of the people.’ Fuck you and him both,” Simon tweeted, responding to a Twitter user.

In an earlier tweet Simon sent On Thursday, the Deuce writer lashed out at Senator Marco Rubio, who was criticizing the mainstream media for helping create a “lack of trust in reporting.”

“From the vantage of someone who is waiting for the death count of journalists shot in their newsroom in my home state, can I simple say that is unfit to be a citizen of a republic, much less a legislator. You should crawl through broken glass to hell, Senator,” Simon wrote.

As of this writing, at least five people are dead and at least seven more are severely injured after a suspect opened fire in the Capital Gazette newspaper office in Annapolis, Maryland.