Michelle Wolf Deleted Anti-Trump, Pro-Hillary Tweets Before Her Vulgar WHCD Performance

Comedy Central

Comedienne Michelle Wolf deleted thousands of offensive tweets before her highly criticized porn joke-filled performance at the White House Correspondent’s dinner.

An analysis by MailOnline now shows that Wolf went on a Twitter purge in the run-up to her performance. As of Tuesday, Wolf’s account has just 376 tweets, compared to over 20,000 postings in June last year.

Many of the deleted posts showed her animosity toward Donald Trump and his son Eric, as well as her admiration for Hillary Clinton.

“[S]he used her personal email. It’s not like she said science is wrong,” she once wrote. “I think using your private email for work probably just proves that you do a lot of work.”

“I don’t understand why people wear sports jerseys,” read another post. “I love Hillary Clinton but I’d never want to dress like her.”

“I think trump is just mad at nature because it made eric,” she wrote in one tweet, later adding: “I can’t believe trump is pro-life. I’m pretty positive that eric [Trump] is an abortion [sic].”

Wolf, 32, attracted widespread criticism from all sides of the political spectrum over her traditional comedic “roast” at the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) dinner on Sunday.

Her routine included vulgar jokes targeting women working within the White House, that included personal comments about Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance.

Amid a barrage of criticism, the WHCA has admitted it failed in its responsibility to unify the country.

“Comedy is meant to be provocative,” said WHCA President Margaret Talev. “My interest overwhelmingly was in unifying the country, and I understand that we may have fallen a little bit short on that goal.”

Wolf, meanwhile, has defended her routine and insisted she would make the same jokes again.

“I’m very happy with what I said and I’m glad I stuck to my guns,” she told NPR. “If there [are] two people that I actually made fun of [when it comes to] their looks on Saturday, it was Mitch McConnell and Chris Christie and no one is jumping to their defense.”

“I can say things about women because I know what it’s like to be a woman, if that makes sense,” she added.

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