Celebrities Urge Americans to Reject NRA, Concealed Carry in Wake of Vegas Shooting


Emma Stone, Melissa McCarthy, and Sheryl Crow are among a number of celebrities urging Americans to “reject the NRA” and concealed carry of firearms in the wake of the shooting at a Las Vegas country music concert this month.

Laura Dern, Bill Hader, and Adam Scott are also taking part in the anti-gun campaign, as is noted gun control advocate Julianne Moore. The celebrities are part of the Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety PSA against the NRA specifically, and against gun rights generally.

In typical Everytown fashion, the PSA does not present real solutions to the attack in Vegas–after all, the attacker complied with all gun controls, including background checks, so no new law would have stopped him. Even gun control advocate Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) admitted as much on the October 8 airing of Face the Nation. Therefore, in lieu of a substantive position, the celebrities are urging Americans to call Congress and oppose things that had nothing to do with the Las Vegas attack.

“The mass shooting in Las Vegas has all of us grieving, scared and angry,” Stone opens the video. From here, various other celebrities appear, telling people to text “REJECT” to Everytown. They inform viewers that the gun control group will call those who text, give them contact numbers for lawmakers, and “give [them] guidelines” on what to say when they talk to their lawmakers.

The celebrities voice opposition to national reciprocity for concealed carry. National reciprocity means Americans with a concealed carry license from their home state can carry their gun for self-defense in the other 49 states as well. Stone, Crow, and the other celebrities oppose this broadening of Americans’ ability to have a gun on their persons for self-defense.

They also mention the SHARE Act, and can be heard urging Congress to oppose it. This Act contains legislation which removes the federal tax from suppressors and lessens the number of hoops law-abiding Americans must jump through in order to acquire a suppressor for hearing protection. It is ironic to note that suppressors had absolutely nothing to do with the Las Vegas attack.

Julianne Moore’s participation in the PSA comes as she currently stars in the spy film Kingsman: Golden Circle. That film features the use of automatic weapons 70 times, according to MRC/Newsbusters.


AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. 



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