Watch: ‘Empire’ Cast Attack Trump, Endorse Hillary Clinton in Campaign Ad

Hillary for America

The latest star-studded video endorsing Hillary Clinton comes from the cast of Fox’s critically acclaimed hip-hop soap opera, Empire.

“There’s only one person in this race who said Black Lives Matter,” actor Bryshere Gray says in a new pro-Clinton ad directed by Empire co-creator Lee Daniels.

“What will I tell my son? What will you tell your daughter?” actress Taraji P. Henson asks. “What will we tell the future generation?”

The ad continues: “If Trump gets into to office, it will only get worse.”

The one-minute ad lists Trayvon Martin and Freddie Gray and other names of high-profile victims of gun violence. The spot also praises Clinton’s stance on gun control, her pledge to “protect Obamacare,” and describes her as “somebody who understands the personal plight of a woman.”

“I am Lee Daniels, and I’m voting for Hillary Clinton,” said the Oscar-nominated director, who was also a speaker at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

The ad also features Empire co-stars Trai Byers, Jussie Smollett, Tasha Smith, Gabourey Sidibe, and Grace Byers. The show’s patriarch actor Terrence Howard is not featured in the ad.

The release of the ad comes as the hit show has tackled topical politics in its most recent season. A third-season episode of Empire addresses police violence and includes themes related to the Black Lives Matter movement.


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