Kim Kardashian Sparks Outrage in Argentina After Tweeting ‘Pope is Dope’

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Reality TV star Kim Kardashian took a break from posting risqué photos of her pregnant body this week to comment on Pope Francis’ American visit, but ended up confusing some people after her use of a slang term was lost in translation.

To commemorate the Papal visit, in which Francis has shared his views on amnesty, climate change, and “unfettered capitalism,” 34-year-old Kardashian took to Twitter to praise the  78-year-old Argentinian pontiff.

“The Pope is dope,” wrote Kardashian on Thursday:

The hashtag #popeisdope was trending on Twitter at the time of Kim’s post, which was later retweeted by 16,000 people.

Kardashian’s Papal tweet came sandwiched in between these two less-than Holy posts:

While “dope” is used as a slang adjective for “cool” or “hot” here in the States, a website in the Pope’s home country interpreted the tweet differently.

Argentinian website Primicias Ya translated it as saying, “the pope is drugs,” according to The Hollywood Reporter, and asked readers, “Did Kim Kardashian attack the pope?”

Primicias Ya then laid out a defense of Francis, even listing his benevolent acts, and described him as “our pope.” The site also reminded its readers Kardashian only became famous after she was featured in a sex tape.

One of the site’s readers informed the post’s unnamed author, “Here in America, Dope is when something is good, extraordinary. Inform yourselves before posting nonsense.”


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