Rape-Hoaxer Lena Dunham Interviews Rape-Denier Hillary Clinton


Just months after recanting a phony rape charge against an innocent man and apologizing for making light of what many have described as the sexual abuse of her younger sister, “Girls” star and creator Lena Dunham landed an interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the current Democrat frontrunner.

This is just another episode of Leftists Are Forgiven For Everything, including using your best-selling memoir to accuse an innocent man of a heinous crime. Moreover, while Christian conservative activist had his life and career dismantled (and rightly so) after it was revealed he had improperly touched his younger sisters as a minor, in her memoir Dunham bragged about doing unspeakable things to her younger sister.

Despite all this, Dunham not only remains feminist/leftist in good standing with the media and mainstream left, Hillary Clinton thinks it’s appropriate to sit down for an in-depth interview with an admitted child abuser who stood silent for more than a month after she knew her memoir put an innocent family man under a false suspicion that he was her rapist.

Currently, the man who allegedly raped Lena Dunham, and by her account hurt two other women, is running free to hurt other women because Dunham refuses to press charges against him.

Imagine the reaction from our media if a Republican presidential candidate sat down with a Josh Duggar or conservative political activist who made millions off a book that accused a false accusation of rape.

We’ll never know because for all of the GOP’s flaws, we don’t do business with those who abuse children.

If you think about who Hillary Clinton is married to, no one should be surprised she shrugs off charges of sexual abuse. She’s had a lifetimeofpractice.

And while we haven’t yet seen the full interview, you can bet your life that “sexual assault activist” Lena Dunham will not have the moral courage to touch on Bill’s alleged victims or the claims from those victims that Hillary was part of the campaign to silence and destroy them.


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