Gwyneth Paltrow Pledges to Live on Food Stamps for a Week


Gwyneth Paltrow announced Thursday she will be living on food stamps for one week.

The 42-year-old actress-turned-lifestyle guru shared a tweet with her followers to show her participation in celebrity chef Mario Batali’s #FoodBankNYC Challenge, which hopes to raise awareness for hunger and poverty in the United States.

“This is what $29 gets you at the grocery store–what families on SNAP (i.e., food stamps) have to live on for a week,” she tweeted, before adding, “We’re walking in their shoes to see how far we get”:

According to the website, the #FoodBankNYCChallenge is an “attempt to live on a food stamp budget for one week,” which translates to around $1.38 per meal.

“Congress cut food stamps twice since 2013, and soup kitchens and food pantries saw an immediate increase in visitors,” the site reads.

Batali nominated close friend Gwyneth, along with musicians Sting and Deborah Harry, through a video on Twitter:

“For one week, walk in someone else’s shoes,” Batali is quoted saying on the campaign’s site. “By truly understanding what our friends and neighbors are going through, we will be better equipped to find solutions.”

Perhaps it was Gwyneth’s Goop holiday gift guide, which featured a $12,000 vase or that she advised women to have their vaginas steam cleaned that make it difficult for many to believe she is as close to the common woman as she insists.

Twitter weighs in on Paltrow’s pledge to live on food stamps for a week:


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