Christine Blasey Ford Says She Met Rep. Eshoo a Week Later Than Initially Claimed

Christine Blasey Ford (C) is flanked by her attorneys Debra Katz (L) and Michael Bromwich
Win McNamee/Getty

Christine Blasey Ford said in her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that she met with the staff of Rep. Anna Eshoo’s (D-CA) office July 18 and July 20 to discuss the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but her written testimony tells a different story.

Ford told the committee she first met with Eshoo’s staff on July 18 and again on July 20 to discuss the sexual assault allegations and how she should proceed going forward:

BLASEY FORD: I met with her staff on July 18 and with her on July 20, describing the assault discussing my fears about coming forward. Later, we discussed the possibility of sending a letter to ranking member Feinstein, who is one of my state’s senators, describing what occurred. My understanding is that Representative Eshoo’s office delivered a copy of my letter to Senator Feinstein’s office on July 30. The letter included my name but also requested that it be kept confidential.

But her written testimony sent to the Judiciary Committee for review ahead of time stated that she met with Eshoo a week earlier than when she told the committee:

On July 9, 2018, I received a call from the office of Congresswoman Anna Eshoo after Mr. Kavanaugh had become the nominee. I met with her staff on July 11 and with her on July 13, describing the assault and discussing my fear about coming forward. Later, we discussed the possibility of sending a letter to Ranking Member Feinstein, who is one of my state’s Senators, describing what occurred. My understanding is that Representative Eshoo’s office delivered a copy of my letter to Senator Feinstein’s office on July 30, 2018. The letter included my name, but requested that the letter be kept confidential.

Ford has said multiple times in her testimony that she could not give the exact dates or time frames of the alleged attack. In one instance, she told the Washington Post the attack occurred in the mid-80s while on another occasion she told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) it occurred in the early 80s.


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