Data: Death of White Americans Exceed White Births for First Time

SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES - MAY 17: Premature newborn hand in the Neonatal Intesive Care Uni
Jennifer Polixenni Brankin/Getty Images

The number of white American deaths exceeds the number of white American births for the first time in United States history, a new analysis finds.

In data from the National Center for Health Statistics and the Center for Disease Control analyzed by Rogelio Sáenz and Kenneth M. Johnson reveals that in 2016, there were more deaths of non-Hispanic white Americans than there were births of non-Hispanic white Americans in 26 states across America.

In 2004, only four states in America had more white deaths than white births. In 2014, that statistic rose to 17 states, and now is at the largest level in American history. Between 2015 and 2016, in 17 of the 26 states that had more white deaths than white births, the overall white population decreased.

The researchers say in their analysis say that they expect this trend of overall decreasing white American populations to continue.

The researchers say the decreasing white American population — aside from mass immigration from mostly Central America and Mexico — has been spurred by the below-replacement fertility rate for whites. Still, about 61 percent of the U.S. population is non-Hispanic white.

As Breitbart News reported, the U.S. has admitted and permanently resettled close to 10.8 million legal immigrants, a foreign population that exceeds the entire population of New York City, New York — where more than 8 million residents live.

The booming foreign-born population — which has hit a record high of 44 million foreigners living in the U.S. — is expected to hand over political dominance to Democrats, an analysis by Axios recently revealed, as Breitbart News reported.

Another study conducted this year found that mass immigration to the U.S. has cost the Republican Party five formerly GOP states and 11 House Districts, Breitbart News’ Neil Munro reported.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll revealed that a plurality of Americans living in swing districts who said mass immigration has changed their communities say overall immigration is making life “worse” in the U.S. About four in nine black Americans in swing districts said immigration is making American life “worse.”

Currently, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants every year, with more than 70 percent coming to the country through the process known as “chain migration,” whereby newly naturalized citizens can bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. In the next 20 years, the current U.S. legal immigration system is on track to import roughly 15 million new foreign-born voters. Between seven and eight million of those foreign-born voters will arrive in the U.S. through chain migration.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.



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