3-in-5 Liberal Voters: Make America a Refugee Camp for the World’s Poor

Refugee Camp
Yannis Kolesidis/AFP/Getty Images

More than 3-in-5 liberal voters in the United States say the country should be made into a refugee camp for the world’s poor, a new survey finds.

The latest Rasmussen Report poll reveals the extent to which American liberals long for the U.S. to be a bastion of open borders and multiculturalism, serving foreign populations rather than American citizens.

About 61 percent of self-identified “liberal” likely voters said they disagreed with this statement:

“The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility – it won’t be.”

Likewise, 59 percent of likely voters who strongly despise Trump’s populist, economic nationalist agenda said they too disagreed with the statement, indicating that they would like to see the nation transformed into a refugee camp for foreign nationals.

Meanwhile, conservatives and the majority of likely voters agreed that the U.S. should never become a refugee camp, as Breitbart News noted. Roughly 54 percent of Americans said they agree the U.S. “will not be a migrant camp” and that “it will not be a refugee-holding facility.”

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder. 


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