Democrat Kansas AG Candidate Displays Poster of Wonder Woman Lassoing Cop

Attorney Sarah Swain, the Democratic nominee for Kansas attorney general, is being critici
Facebook/Kansas State Troopers Association

The Democrat nominee for Kansas attorney general displays a poster in her law office of Wonder Woman putting a lasso around a police officer’s neck, and, as a result, is facing pressure from her own Party to drop out of the race.

Law enforcement groups criticized the candidate, attorney Sarah Swain, for displaying a poster promoting violence against police officers.

When state Democrats took note of the backlash from law enforcement, they swiftly condemned Swain and tried to distance themselves from her.

“We strongly condemn and reject any depiction of violence against law enforcement, including the image from Swain’s law firm,” the Kansas Democratic Party said in a statement. “We did not recruit or encourage Swain to run for attorney general, nor have we had any contact with her since she filed.”

The state’s Democratic Party added that the poster could disqualify her from running in the attorney general’s race.

Swain apologized for the poster and explained that she had displayed it in her office for years with no intention of offending law enforcement. But the Democratic attorney general defended her decision to display the poster, arguing that Wonder Woman is using her truth lasso to keep police officers honest, and she would do the same if elected attorney general.

“As a criminal defense attorney for nearly 17 years, I have seen firsthand the injustice that can be doled out at the hands of less-than-honest police officers,” Swain said in a statement. “I have been involved in many cases where the truth was ignored and people’s lives were destroyed. These are just some of the experiences that eventually led me to run for attorney general.”

Incumbent Attorney General Derek Schmidt, a Republican, would run uncontested in November if Swain drops out of the race due to pressure.


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