Mitch McConnell: ‘Why Can’t the Mueller Investigation Finally Wrap Up?’

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) suggested Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller should conclude his investigation into collusion between Russia and Trump campaign officials.

“What I think about the Mueller investigation is, they ought to wrap it up. It’s gone on seemingly forever and I don’t know how much more they think they can find out,” McConnell said in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

“If the IG is through, why can’t the Mueller investigation finally wrap up?” the Kentucky lawmaker added.

McConnell previously signaled support for the Russia probe and blocked a vote on legislation in April to protect Mueller from being fired.

The 76-year-old lawmaker told the Fox News Channel it was “not necessary” to vote on the bipartisan effort.

“There’s no indication that Mueller’s going to be fired,” McConnell said to Neil Cavuto.”I don’t think the president’s going to do that and just as a practical matter, even if we passed [the bill], why would he sign it?”

President Trump on Thursday accused Democrats of fabricating a “phony crime,” prompting the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate collusion with Russia.

“So, the Democrats make up a phony crime, Collusion with the Russians, pay a fortune to make the crime sound real, illegally leak (Comey) classified information so that a Special Councel will be appointed, and then Collude to make this pile of garbage take on life in Fake News!” the President tweeted.


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