Pruitt Reacts to Heckler: Left Doesn’t Want to Talk About Truth, Trump’s ‘Results’

A lone heckler interrupted Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt as he spoke at the Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C., on Friday.

The heckler, a young woman, was quickly escorted out of the room carrying a bottle of lotion and shouting about Chick-fil-A.

“Are the chicken sandwiches better at the White House mess hall or at Chick-fil-A? I really need to know,” the women shouted as the crowd urged her removal and applauded as she left.

Pruitt has faced relentless attacks from leftists, including those who supported the Obama EPA and the media, which tries to drum up controversy about the administrator – most recently that his staff allegedly have done  errands to pick up dry cleaning and moisturizer for him.

The other alleged misdeed was arranging to meet with Chick-fil-A to discuss a franchise opportunity, but the meeting never took place.

Pruitt noted the irony that he was speaking about the importance of religious liberty and free speech and the recent Supreme Court decision in favor of a Christian baker who had been targeted by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission because he refused to bake a cake that celebrated a same-sex wedding.

Pruitt also spoke after the interruption about how the left is pushing back against President Donald Trump’s accomplishments.

“You know what’s interesting about this type of discussion is here we are talking about free speech, religious liberty, and folks won’t let you engage in it at times,” Pruitt said.

“The left doesn’t want to talk about truth,” Pruitt said. “The left doesn’t want to talk about results.”

“They just want to shout, they just want to try to intimidate, as opposed to talking about what’s being done in this administration,” Pruitt said. “There’s great change happening across the country.”

Pruitt said that change is happening, including at the EPA, because of Trump’s courage and leadership.

“That type of courage is why the president is in the White House today,” Pruitt said.

He also said Trump is an “unapologetic” defender of religious liberty.

Pruitt’s remaining remarks focused on the EPA’s successful deregulation efforts to reverse or defang those installed during the Obama administration, including the Clean Water Rule and the Clean Power Plan that hurt American energy producers, ranchers, and farmers.

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