Trump Donates First Quarter Salary to Department of Veterans Affairs

Trump, Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Evan Vucci/AP

President Donald Trump donated his first quarter 2018 salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs for their caregiver programs – including support for mental health and peer support – continuing in his tradition of donating his salary each quarter.

“As you know President Trump is deeply committed to our veterans,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders declared as she announced the donation during Thursday’s press conference. She remarked that the president is “fighting for reform and accountability at the VA.”

Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie then thanked the president for the donation and described how the funds will be used:

The President’s gift underscores his promise to do all that he can for veterans, which includes supporting those who care for our veterans — not just those of us at VA, but the husbands, the wives, the families, and the community caregivers who are out there day in and day out making life easier for those who have borne the battle.

“President Trump understands the critical role of caregivers in meeting the essential needs of America’s veterans,” he said. “We have already earmarked this gift for caregiver support in the form of mental health and peer support programs, financial aid, education training, and research.”

Wilkie also made an extensive pitch for the Mission Act that had been passed 347-70 out of the House on Wednesday, urging “the Senate to take up the House bill and give it to President Trump, hopefully before Memorial Day.”

Trump’s previous salary checks have gone to the Department of the Interior, Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Transportation, in that order.

DOI Secretary Ryan Zinke designated the funds to be used in upkeep on national battlefields. DOE Secretary Betsy DeVos marked funds for a STEM-focused camp. Acting HHS Secretary at the time, Eric Hargan said funds would be used to fight the opioid epidemic. DOT Secretary Elaine Chow designated funds to be used for the department’s Infrastructure For Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grant Programs.

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