Sen. Mike Lee Blocks Trump’s Pro-Transgender Pick for Employment Commission

NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 11: Chai Feldblum attends 2015 Out100 Celebration at Gustavino's o
Santiago Felipe/Getty Images

Pro-transgender activist Chai Feldblum is close to winning another term on the powerful Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – but Sen. Mike Lee hopes to block her renomination.

Feldblum is the architect of former President Barack Obama’s radical pro-transgender and LGBT agenda.

President Donald Trump renominated Feldblum to the EEOC, where Democrats currently have the majority. Republicans were reportedly hoping to trade a confirmation of Feldblum for a confirmation of two Republicans to give the GOP the majority.

“Mike Lee deserves major credit for blocking Chai Feldblum’s nomination,” Paul Mirengoff wrote. “He’s not just standing up to leadership, he’s also resisting pressure from some conservatives who want him to accept the Feldblum package in order to give Republicans an instant majority on the Commission.”

He added:

I have heard that this week, Senate leadership is making another push to confirm Feldblum, along with two Republican nominees to the Commission. The idea, as I understand it, is to “sweeten” the deal by throwing in President Trump’s nominee for EEOC General Counsel.

I’m happy to report that Sen. Lee remains “steadfast” in opposing Feldblum. His office assures me that throwing in the nominee for General Counsel, whom the GOP Senate can already confirm without Democratic help, doesn’t sweeten anything.

Feldblum is a nightmare of a nominee for those who value religious freedom, private property rights, and the science-based standard that there are two sexes – male and female. As Obama’s most liberal gender ideology activist, the lesbian activist has said that whenever LGBT issues conflict with religious liberty and private property rights, religious liberty and private rights should lose.

“When push comes to shove, when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, she admits, ‘I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win,’” Maggie Gallagher reported at the Weekly Standard in 2006 after interviewing Feldblum when the news broke that Catholic Charities in Boston would need to place adoptive children with same-sex couples to remain a licensed adoption agency.

Christian Adams at PJ Media noted the mysterious nature of Trump’s renomination of someone who would appear to be at odds with much of the president’s agenda:

Feldblum is the ideological architect of all of the most radical LGBTWHATEVER agenda items of the Obama presidency: transvestites in girls locker rooms, lawless expansion of federal employment oversight, you name it.

So why would Feldblum be renominated?

There is backstory on Feldblum that hasn’t been fully reported. All of the normal clearance and vetting procedures usually used for Senate-confirmed nominees were short-circuited. Her nomination was rushed through the Senate HELP Committee. Feldblum even bragged to some that her goal was to trick Republicans before they knew what was happening.

The EEOC is a so-called “independent” federal agency created by Congress that can hold considerable power with no accountability to American citizens.

“She is the lead architect of Obama’s transgender agenda, mandating that schools and states bring one gender into private dressing rooms of the opposite gender,” Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review also noted. “Under her tenure, the EEOC has codified the entire sexual alphabet soup agenda, including ‘sex stereotyping,’ into the Civil Rights Act without approval from Congress. An ‘independent’ agency, indeed!”

Upon Feldblum’s renomination in December, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, criticized Trump, observing in a press release that Feldblum “cast the deciding vote when the EEOC termed it ‘unlawful sex discrimination’ to limit locker and shower facilities to those of a single biological gender, and has consistently shown a disregard for religious rights.”

“Feldblum has been truly unfriendly to accommodation of religious views,” Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, eastern regional vice president of the CJV, said in the press statement. “The decision to renew her nomination seems jarringly discordant with the Trump Administration’s overall support for religious liberty.”

Mirengoff explained that Feldblum’s renomination is a point of “tension” between “social conservatives and economic conservatives/business interests” and that Feldblum “represents a red line” for social conservatives.

“Feldblum has been so aggressive in trampling religious interests that she’s become unacceptable to social conservatives,” he wrote. “They regard her, correctly in my view, as worse than a generic left-liberal on key social issues.”

“If the traditional alliance between social conservatives and economic conservatives is to be maintained, each faction (so the speak) must respect the other’s red lines,” he concluded. “Some economic conservatives believe, in good faith, that there’s a good case for confirming the Feldblum package. But this is hardly a red line issue for them.”


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