Poll: ‘Tepid’ Support from Young Voters, Minorities Could Cost Dems Midterms

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The legacy media have been trying to spin the narrative that young voters in favor of gun control and minorities opposed to President Donald Trump’s immigration policies will power the blue wave Resistance in November.

But a new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that young voters and people of color are not that enthusiastic about voting in November’s midterm elections.

Democrats have just a four-point advantage over Republicans in the new poll, down from a 12-point advantage in January. And the lack of enthusiasm among young voters and people of color could make it more difficult for Democrats to take back Congress.

The poll found that “although 58 percent of all adults say they are sure they will vote this year, that falls to fewer than 4 in 10 among adults younger than 30.”

In addition, just 54 percent of black Americans and 39 percent of Hispanic voters said they are “sure” to vote this November while 64 percent of white voters, a majority of whom favor Republican candidates, said they will surely vote in November.

Left-wing activists, perhaps aware of the enthusiasm gap among people of color and young voters, have been busy registering voters at anti-Trump rallies. At the most recent March for Our Lives gun-control rally in Washington, D.C., which was attended by mostly older white liberals, various left-wing groups, including prominent pro-amnesty organizations, worked together to register voters.

Republicans now have a 14-point advantage with white voters, up from a 5-point margin in January. Among whites without college degrees, Republicans have a 29-point edge over Democrats, up from an 18-point advantage in January, the poll found.

White voters with college degrees, though, could give Democrats a boost, as they are “14 points more likely to say they are certain to vote than whites with some college or less, a group that has increasingly favored Republicans and voted for Trump at record levels.”

Trump’s blue-collar base may not be as enthusiastic going into the midterms because Trump has waffled on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, acted as the world’s policeman in Syria, signed an omnibus spending bill that ballooned the country’s deficit, and not started building border wall.

The poll was conducted April 8-11, and its margin of error is +/- 3.5 percentage points.


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