Maxine ‘Impeach 45’ Waters Receives ‘National Unity Award’


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has repeatedly called President Donald Trump a racist and vowed to get Trump impeached, received the “National Unity Award” at Sunday’s Martin and Coretta King Unity Breakfast in Selma, Alabama.

According to the Selma Times-Journal, the award goes to “someone special who has gone the extra mile to make a difference in the world for his or her race.” The breakfast kicked off the Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee event that commemorates “Bloody Sunday” on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

Waters on Sunday again accused Trump of being a racist, this time for reportedly saying that Waters needs to “take an IQ test” at the Gridiron Dinner on Saturday evening. While mocking Waters’ outrageous comments, “impeach 45” chants,  and other shenanigans, Trump reportedly said:

How about that one? Maxine Waters, ‘He must be impeached!’ That’s all she knows how to say, ‘He must be impeached!’ Impeached! … But he’s done nothing wrong. Doesn’t matter, they say. What has he done wrong? ‘I don’t know! You got to be impeached!’ … And then I say … I get in trouble for this, ‘She has to immediately, take an IQ test.’ And people go crazy.

Trump then reportedly said that there is “so much hatred” on the anti-Trump left that must be stopped.

Waters told MSNBC on Sunday that Trump made some “racist remarks” about her, just as she had expected.

“This president has been called stupid, he has been called ignorant, and even his Secretary of State did not deny that he called him a moron. And so he has no credibility. He has been name calling. He’s been saying all kinds of things. And I certainly expected him to come out with some racist remarks about me,” Waters said. “So he did exactly what I expected him do. And, by the way, I’m told he wasn’t funny at all.”


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