In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin offered her thoughts on the passing of Rev. Billy Graham and his profound personal legacy.
Palin writes:
Rev. Billy Graham was unlike other spiritual leaders in that God’s favor seemed to envelope him like no other. He was able to get the message of truth to untold millions of people, bypassing politics, denominational divisions, and modern cultural criticism. That made him more effective than any modern-day leader.
My mom watched his revivals on TV in the 70s during what some call “The Jesus Movement” and gave her life to Christ after hearing the message of true salvation. Mom led the rest of the family to Christ as a result.
Billy Graham profoundly changed me, my entire family, and millions of people needing hope and salvation around the world.
In 2013, Palin spoke at Rev. Graham’s 95th birthday celebration, where she was introduced by his son, Rev. Franklin Graham.
In his book Our Sarah: Made in Alaska, Palin’s father, Chuck Heath Sr., writes about the time that he; Sarah; and his wife, Sally, were guests of Rev. Graham at his home in North Carolina, describing it as “one of the highlights of our lives.”
Heath writes:
Sally and I had attended a Billy Graham evangelistic crusade when he came to Alaska in the 1970s, but we never imagined we’d actually get to meet him, much less visit him in his home. Later, Sally told me that while we were talking, she kept thinking of how her parents would have enjoyed being there with him. Although they were a dedicated Catholic family, Clem and Helen watched every broadcast of Billy Graham’s crusades. Clem particularly enjoyed the music of George Beverly Shea. All I could think of was how glad I was that Sally was there. She had been enamored of Billy Graham’s preaching all her life.
At the time we met with him, Dr. Graham was ninety-one years old. He may have slowed physically, but he was still sharp and alert. We sat with him around the fireplace in a lively and engaging conversation that seemed to last just a few minutes. Actually, we talked for two hours.

From left to right: Gov. Sarah Palin, Chuck Heath Sr., Rev. Billy Graham, and Sally Heath during a visit Gov. Palin and her parents made to Rev. Graham’s home in North Carolina during her “Going Rogue” book tour in 2009.
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