Georgia Tech Students Armed, Ready to Shoot Back

campus carry
Melissa Golden/AP Photo

Georgia Tech students affiliated with the school’s Marksmanship Club are armed and ready to shoot back should an attacker strike campus or the numerous living areas surrounding it.

Campus Carry has been legal in Georgia for less than a year, yet many students are already reaping benefits.

For example, Phillip Yamin is president of the Marksmanship Club, and he says walking home at night from class was not safe prior to being able to be armed for self-defense. He lives in Home Park and Fox 5 quoted him saying, “Before campus carry was enacted I would not have felt safe walking back, from school, back to home in Home Park.”

Home Park has witnessed numerous robberies, but Yamin and fellow Marksmanship Club officer Rob Montgomery note that criminals are not apt to strike where they know the resident is likely to be armed. The club helps guide those who wish to be armed by partnering with campus police to “train on threat simulators” where they must decide when to shoot — or not shoot — in high-pressure situations.

Yamin and Montgomery note that shooting, in general, is fun, but their club emphasizes the fact that shooting for “survival” is something that reality demands. So they are serious about helping their fellow students become equipped to respond quickly and accurately should a criminal or terrorist strike.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News, the host of the Breitbart podcast Bullets with AWR Hawkins, and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at Sign up to get Down Range at


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