Exclusive — Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘DACA Amnesty Is a Subversion of the Rule of Law, a Betrayal of American Families’

DACA protest

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), a member of the House Freedom Caucus, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that any form of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty will serve as a “subversion of the rule of law, a betrayal of American families.”

President Donald Trump continues to negotiate with congressional leaders on a potential deal to grant amnesty to DACA illegal aliens in exchange for Trump’s promised border wall, ending the visa lottery program and chain migration.

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL), a long opponent of illegal immigration, told Breitbart News that any form of DACA amnesty will serve as a “subversion of the rule of law, a betrayal of American families, who are struggling to find jobs to support those families; then, the vehicle does not make much of a difference.”

Brooks then explained to Breitbart News that restricting legal and illegal immigration will benefit the American worker.

He said, “It’s all about the numbers in the workforce: The fewer legal and illegal aliens there are in the workforce, the more money struggling American families will be paid, particularly through the blue-collar middle-income fields. The key is to decrease the overall influx of legal and illegal immigrants to the benefit of American workers. If there is a deal struck in which DACA illegal aliens are given amnesty, but overall, there is a significant reduction in the influx of foreign labor, then the American worker comes up ahead.”

Brooks argued that America needs to build the wall, end chain migration, and end the diversity visa.

“We need to have better border security, which includes the wall paid for by Mexico, which President Trump promised during the campaign. We need to include the elimination of chain migration. We need to include the elimination of the diversity visa. We need an overall reduction in the amount of lawful immigration to reverse the adverse effect the huge surge in foreign labor has had on American workers, wages, and families,” Brooks explained. “We need to dramatically change our laws that allow so many illegal aliens to claim asylum when none is really needed, and none should be granted. As long as we come up with a system that better protects the incomes of the struggling American families, then that’s a net gain.”

Rep. Brooks suggested that the Democratic party continues to favor foreign labor at the expense of American citizens. “The end game must be an improvement in the labor market for those struggling American workers. Unfortunately, the Democrats routinely tell those American workers to get at the end of the line and to go to hell.”

The Alabama congressman declared, “The Democrats need this surge in foreign labor to win elections. Therein lies the problem: as long as the Democrats believe that it is in their political interest to put struggling American workers and families second, and legal and illegal alien labor and votes first, then the Democrats will continue to betray American citizens.”

“I have long ago given up on trying to ascertain the mental workings of Democrats who are so anxious to betray American workers while hypocritically claiming they are the American workers’ best friend,” Brooks added.

The Alabama Republican argued that American wages would skyrocket without foreign labor displacing American jobs. Brooks said, “A good example is the minimum wage increase. The only reason to have the minimum wage increase is because the Democrat Party’s immigration policy is to create a surge in the labor supply depresses the wages of American citizens would otherwise be earning. The Democrats are the direct cause of the poverty. If there was no foreign labor in the United States, employers would be paying at a minimum $20-30 an hour to attract the workers they need to get the work done.”

Brooks argued that the business interests favor mass migration to line corporations’ profit lines, while Democrats favor immigration to gain electoral power.

Rep. Brooks said, “The answer lies in the American people understanding the con game that is being used by the Democrat Party on the one hand and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on the other hand. The two of them are working as allies; they do more to hurt the standard of living for blue-collar and middle-income Americans than anyone else in our economy. Both the Democrat Party and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce favor a tsunami of foreign labor for different political reasons. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants cheap labor to push down labor rates across the board regardless of the damage done to American families, while the Democrat Party sees these foreign workers as displacing the vote of American citizens to the benefit of Democrats’ Party candidates.”

“The Democratic Party in a very evil way has set aside the interests of American citizens in favor of the accumulation of Democrat political power,” Brooks concluded.


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