Anti-Trump Dossier Original Funder Paul Singer an Open Borders Establishment Republican Billionaire

Paul Singer Thos RobinsonGetty Images
Thos Robinson/Getty Images

GOP establishment billionaire Paul Singer, the top funder of the Washington Free Beacon, has a long history of support for the GOP establishment over economic nationalists and conservatives–including backing open borders, pro-amnesty efforts.

Late Friday, Singer’s Washington Free Beacon came clean as the original funding source for Fusion GPS’s research against now-President Donald Trump. Fusion GPS research was later funded by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, and created the now-infamous fake news dossier against Trump, but the efforts originally lay with Singer.

Multiple outlets reported Friday night that lawyers for the Free Beacon had just informed the House Intelligence Committee that their outfit was the first to engage Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research against then-candidate Trump. The neoconservative media outlet emphasized in a statement that this engagement involved all of the GOP candidates for president – not merely Trump – and never involved Russia or dubious former intelligence asset Christopher Steele, before the project was dropped and taken over by Hillary for American and the Democratic National Committee in the Spring of 2016 through potentially illegal payments made through law firm Perkins Coie.

When news of the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign’s involvement in the dossier, a primary source of the “Russia Story” dogging the first ten months of Trump administration, first broke, the Washington Post reported “one Republican” had been involved. That Republican is now clearly Singer, the Free Beacon’s main funder.

Singer’s involvement in the dossier, and opposition research on Trump more generally, comports with a years-long pattern of advocacy for mass immigration, massive funding of establishment GOP candidates, and antagonism towards the populist-nationalist movement.

Along with George Soros and the left-wing Ford Foundation, Singer gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to the pro-open borders National Immigration Forum (NIF). The NIF later set up and funded the sham grassroots Christian group “Evangelical Immigration Table” to create the illusion of widespread conservative Christian support for mass third-world immigration. As Breitbart News uncovered, the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT) never was an independent legal entity and existed only as a front for the NIF. Singer directly funded the effort, as Breitbart News and USA Today reported at the time.

This did not stop establishment Republicans, including the editors of the once-definitive conservative publication National Review, from latching onto the EIT as a genuine font of anti-Trump grassroots activism.

The Wall Street hedge-fund billionaire Singer was an early – and significant – backer of “Gang of Eight” amnesty ringleader Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) in the 2016 campaign. This support made good on the two men’s years-long relationship based, in large part, on their mutual belief in the most recent major campaign for amnesty for illegal aliens and massive immigration increases in 2013.

As Breitbart News’s Julia Hahn reported in 2015, Singer and Rubio’s other wealthy backers stood to benefit significantly from the massive flow of low-skill, low-wage labor that would result from the Gang of Eight bill or its post-2016 successor.

At the time, candidate Trump savaged Rubio on Twitter over the connection, calling Singer “Mr. Amnesty:”

Singer’s opposition to Trump and populist conservatives continued as Rubio’s presidential bid floundered and even after it failed. The billionaire found a welcome home in the #NeverTrump wing of the Republican Party. After Trump secured the GOP nomination, Singer kept up his stance against him, telling CNBC, in June 2016, that Trump’s economic policies, including those on trade and immigration, were “close to a guarantee of a global depression, widespread global depression.”

Immediately following Trump’s election, the stock market began one of the longest sustained rallies in modern history.


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