At least eight of the 52 GOP Senators are pushing various amnesty and outsourcing bills, despite polls showing massive opposition among Republicans, Democrats and independent voters.
The business-first amnesty bills would greatly expand the annual inflow of migrants, create a huge wave of chain migration, dramatically increase poverty and federal spending, force many Americans to the economic sidelines — and would also make GOP politicians into a powerless minority when voters turn their backs and Democrats grow confident they will soon have California-like majorities in the House and Senate.
Three of the GOP’s outsourcing-and-amnesty Senators — Sens. John Cornyn, Roy Blunt and Cory Gardner — are in the GOP’s Senate leadership group, even though most of the GOP Senators burned by the 2013 “Gang of Eight” fiasco are keeping away from the TV cameras in 2017.
The Senators are being herded by business-first lobbyists, with the help of skewed polls, home-state lobbying, business donations, and media pressure. The lobbyists are hoping to build a critical mass of GOP Senators — especially in the leadership — so that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agrees to allow a vote during the Christmas budget-and-government-shutdown crunch. If McConnell agrees to hold a vote, then the lobbyists will get their chance to stampede roughly 20 GOP Senators to vote with Democrats in favor of a comprehensive amnesty-and-outsourcing bill.
The lobbyists’ goal is tough to achieve, largely because the voters — especially Republican voters — really hate amnesty bills which threaten Americans’ jobs and wages, as Donald Trump proved in 2016, and as the New York Times tacitly recognized October 1.
Also, the lobbyists are competing against each other, and politicians lie to donors as well as voters, so even politicians’ sponsorship of amnesty bill does not guarantee that they will pressure and cajole other Senators to back the amnesty bill. In fact, Senators can publicly champion legislation to please donors while they also quietly urge their fellow GOP Senators to block the legislation. Lobbyists can hope for a stampede, but “a Senator who supports one [bill] may not want to stick his neck out on the others,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.
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The business lobbyists’ task of stampeding the GOP Senators is made more difficult by Trump’s recognition of deep public opposition to amnesty, and by the pro-American bill RAISE Act which would raise wages by lowering the annual inflow of unskilled chain-migration immigrants. The popular RAISE Act is backed by Trump, and its two co-authors, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and Georgia Sen. David Perdue, are likely to speak loudly against any amnesty or outsourcing bills.
But some Senators are completely sincere in their push to help business, regardless of the impact on their voters, one pro-American lobbyist told Breitbart News. “Many business-oriented Republicans have long preferred to give their donors access to cheap foreign labor … they genuinely believe in these policies and do not care about wages for American workers,” he said.
Also, the lobbyists are likely holding back some of their allied Senators for a surprise “compromise” attack. In 2013, for example, the “Gang of Eight” amnesty-and-cheap-labor bill was helped by the last-minute arrival of a supposed border-security compromise amendment, which merely promised to spend tens of billions of dollars on ineffective “border security” measures. That bill was introduced by Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker and North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven, and it provided a media-magnified excuse for wavering GOP and Democratic Senators to vote for the massive amnesty.
Eleven serving GOP Senators voted for the 2013 amnesty bill.
The fate of an amnesty package largely rests with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, said the pro-American lobbyist added. McConnell “continues to be noticeably quiet on the immigration,” even though the voters are demanding stronger enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws, he said.
The GOP Senators who are supporting amnesty or outsourcing bills include several in the GOP’s leadership.
For example, the second-ranking GOP Senator, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, has drafted a weak border-security bill that could provide a political fig-leaf for Senators backing an amnesty bill. The bill authorizes a series of border-security protections but does not require border agencies to build a wall. It also declares that the government must deploy a system to record the arrival and departure of foreign visitors — even though at least five existing laws already mandate the system. The Cornyn bill also only authorizes border improvements and does not include any funds needed to implement any of its instructions.
The fifth-ranking GOP Senator, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt has introduced an immigration bill that would provide 125,000 visas and green cards to foreign college graduates and “entrepreneurs” each year. That outsourcing bill would increase the existing annual inflow of at least 1 million legal immigrants and at least one million temporary workers, plus the resident population more than 1 million visa-workers. That new population of 3 million foreign workers and consumers compete for jobs against the four million young Americans who join the workforce each year.
Blunt introduced his outsourcing bill with Kansas Senator Jerry Moran. In a press statement, Moran said foreigners are needed because Americans are not up to the job of growing their nation’s economy fast enough. “New business formation and the rate of entrepreneurship have reached historic lows,” he said, continuing:
Simply put, America is falling behind and losing talent and jobs to countries overseas. Congress must work to reverse these trends and support policies that allow better opportunities for someone to take an idea, bring it to market, and in the process of pursuing that success, create jobs for other Americans. I am proud to introduce the latest version of the Startup Act and help make certain America remains the land of opportunity for innovators and job creators.
The sixth-ranking GOP leader, Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner is running the GOP election committee for the Senate, the National Republican Senatorial Committee. He has signed up the support the “Dream Act,” whose main champion is the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin. The act would provide a fast-track amnesty to at least 3 million illegals and many additional future chain-migration arrivals. According to a September statement
Children who came to this country without documentation, through no fault of their own, must have the opportunity to remain here lawfully,” Gardner said. “I’m proud to join with [Democratic] Senator [Michael] Bennet and cosponsor the Dream Act to provide certainty to the thousands of law-abiding Coloradan Dreamers and demonstrate bipartisan leadership on this important issue. I have long called for an overhaul of our country’s immigration system and believe this is an important step. I will continue to work with Senator Bennet and our colleagues in the Senate to move this bill forward into law.
The most aggressive GOP champion of amnesty and outsourcing is North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, who got an additional 15,000 H-2B blue-collar outsourcing visas this year by blocking an appointment to the Department of Homeland Security. Tillis describes his “SUCCEED” bill as a way for illegals citizenship, even though the bill awards that huge prize in 15 years to illegals who can enroll in education course after high-school and also avoid jail sentences that exceed one year. On September 25, he denied his bill was an amnesty, saying:
This is a path, that admittedly, at some point, allows someone to go through the naturalization process. But we think that it is a balanced resolution to a vexing problem that has not been solved for 30 years, and we’ll have to take the hits. We’ll take the hits on the far left for saying you’re not getting them to citizenship soon enough, and you’ll take it on the far right, for saying you’ve ever going the opportunity to pursue citizenship, after they’ve done all that is required for them to continue to have the protected status that is in this bill.
Tillis’ bill is co-sponsored by Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, who told reporters on September 25 that illegal immigrants are good workplace competitors against Americans voters:
The job issue is an interesting issue, because those individuals are already in the job market. Many of these DACA students are actually DACA young adults, they already have access to the job market right now because they’ve been given deferred action. So they are in higher education, they are in the job market, they are currently a part of our economy, currently. That continual competition in our economy doesn’t hurt us, that continues to help us. It actually hurts us to put those individuals out of the economy.
In a statement to Breitbart News, Lankford’s office defended the amnesty plan, saying:
Passing the SUCCEED Act would increase net federal revenue by $22 billion over 10 years, while deporting SUCCEED-eligible immigrants would cost the economy $738 billion over 10 years … The SUCCEED Act has virtually no economic, fiscal or marketplace impact on Americans because these young people are already here in America, most of them working or attending school.
Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch also supports the Tillis-Lankford amnesty. In prior years, Hatch pushed a bill dubbed I-Squared which would have provided green cards to an unlimited number of foreign white-collar workers if they compete against American college graduates for entry-level jobs. That federal offer of citizenship would have created an indirect subsidy for Americans employers because foreigners would work longer hours at lower wages in the expectation of getting the federal deferred bonus of citizenship for themselves, their families and all their descendants.
All those bills, however, at modest measures compared to the massive replacement bill pushed by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson. His “State Sponsored Visa Pilot Program of 2017” would annually invite 500,000 foreign workers — plus their families — to settle in the United States and compete for jobs against Americans. If passed, it would at least double the current levels of annual immigration and would push many voters out of the workforce. Johnson introduced the bill in May 2017, when he thanked his House cosponsor, Colorado GOP Rep. Ken Buck, for, “Let’s face it, to have the courage… we’re probably a lightning rod on this bill,” Johnson said in his videotaped speech.
Buck responded by saying that he will not introduce the bill yet, adding “it is important to take the bill out of the oven when it is baked.”
Three of the four GOP members of the disastrous “Gang of Eight” 2013 amnesty and cheap-labor bill are keeping a low profile in the dispute. Sen. John McCain is ill, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is keeping a low profile after seeing his saw his presidential hopes destroyed by Trump’s criticism of the 2013 disaster, and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake is facing a very tough election race in 2018. But Rubio and Flake have both said they would like to see a DACA amnesty passed.
Only the fourth member of the gang — South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham — is actively pushing for an amnesty. Along with Sen. Gardner, Graham has allied with the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, to push the Dream Act for at least 3 million illegals and for many additional future chain-migration arrivals. Graham and Gardner face the voters again in 2020.
The Gang of Eight fiasco also helped to defeat five Democratic Senators in 2014 and has demoted ambitious Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer to the Senate minority for at least four years.
In March, Tillis’s H-2B outsourcing push was joined by 20 GOP Senators, including Cornyn, Blunt, plus the fourth-ranking GOP legislator, Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, who chairs the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
Other supporters of Tillis’ H-2B effort included Graham, Moran, Hatch, Lankford, Gardner, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Wyoming Sen. Mike Enzi, Maine Sen. Susan Collins, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson, Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts, South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds, Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran, and Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan.
Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs in the free market.
But business groups have used their political power to tilt the labor market in their favor, via the federal policy of importing 1 million consumers and workers each year. The government also hands out almost 3 million short-term work permits to foreign workers. These permits include roughly 330,000 one-year OPT permits for foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, roughly 200,000 three-year H-1B visas for foreign white-collar professionals, and 400,000 two-year permits to DACA illegals. Universities employ roughly 100,000 foreign guest workers.
That Washington-imposed economic policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign labor, spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate prices, widens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.
The cheap-labor policy has also reduced investment and job creation in many interior states because the coastal cities have a surplus of imported labor. For example, almost 27 percent of zip codes in Missouri had fewer jobs or businesses in 2015 than in 2000, according to a new report by the Economic Innovation Group. In Kansas, almost 29 percent of zip codes had fewer jobs and businesses in 2015 compared to 2000, which was a two-decade period of massive cheap-labor immigration.
Americans tell pollsters that they strongly oppose amnesties and cheap-labor immigration, even as most Americans also want to favor legal immigrants, and many sympathize with illegals.
Because of the successful cheap-labor strategy, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and a growing percentage of the nation’s annual income is shifting to investors and away from employees. The business-funded Hamilton Project suggests that the shift is transferring $1 trillion per year from 160 million employees to the nation’s investors.
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