VIDEO: Female Accountant Shoots Office Intruder in the Neck


A female accountant shot an intrusion suspect in the neck after he kicked open the door to her office. The suspect–24-year old Deondre Branch–was being pursued by police at the time, for allegedly shoplifting at Walmart.

According to ABC 13, Branch allegedly burst through the office door near where accountant Connie Wells was sitting. He threw police officers off his trail by going into the office, but ended up face-to-face will Wells, who was armed.

Attorney Damon Chetson said, “She screams at him to stop… he fails to stop and ignores her screams, he’s now within 10 feet of her … She’s a concealed carry permit holder. She fires a single shot at him, he falls, and she starts screaming for police.”

The gunshot shattered vertebrae just above Branch’s neck. He is unable to move his arms and legs.

Branch’s stepfather, Willie Michener Jr., said he does not believe Wells was out of options when she fired the shot. He said, “The way the video makes it sound as if the door you can visually see him busting through was in her immediate space and from what we can gather it is not.”

Branch has a criminal history that includes assault on a woman.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at


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