Sarah Sanders: We’ve Got to Get Back to Draining the Swamp

Sarah Sanders AP

White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders indicated that President Donald Trump was anxious to continue draining the swamp and focusing on issues important to the American people, despite the ongoing investigation into Russia’s attempt to influence the election.

One reporter suggested during the White House press briefing that by firing Comey, Trump had made it more difficult to work with Democrats to solve other problems in Washington like health care.

“Frankly, I don’t think it matters what this president says, you’re going to have Democrats come out and fight him every single step of the way,” Sanders said. “I think that’s one of the things that’s wrong with Washington, and I think that’s one of the reasons that we’ve got to get back to focusing those issues and frankly draining the swamp a little bit further.”

Sanders drew fire from Trump opponents for trying to move beyond the investigation, when so many Democrats were calling for a special independent prosecutor. But she assured reporters that there was still no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, despite a year’s worth of speculation in the media.

“I know that you all will not let this go until it does,” Sanders told reporters. “And so we’d love for that to be completed. Let’s put it behind us, let’s move on, and let’s focus on what we need to do to turn our country around.”


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