‘Cut Them Open’: Elizabeth Warren Hopes Republicans Donate Their Bodies to Science

Elizabeth Warren

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Progressive Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) half-joked at an event in Chicago last week that she wishes Republicans would donate their bodies to science so she could “cut them open.”

“I hope they leave their bodies to science,” Warren said while discussing the GOP’s efforts to either repeal Obamacare or reform the troubled health care act at a venue known as The Music Box Theatre. “I would like to cut them open.”

Video of the event shows Warren using her hands to show a cutting movement and gesturing as if she is removing internal organs while appearing to mouth the word “heart?”

Before her statement, Warren complained that if the American Health Care Act passes, it would be “knocking 24 million people off health insurance and raising the costs for middle-class families so that you could produce a tax break for a handful of millionaires and billionaires.”

Democrats flat-out lied to everyday Americans with the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on at least nine occasions. In an interview with Breitbart News earlier this year, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) noted that these lies included:

  1. Like your plan? You can keep your plan.
  2. Like your doctor? You can keep your doctor.
  3. Premiums will go down.
  4. Premiums will go down at an average of $2,500.
  5. Deductibles will go down.
  6. The healthcare.gov website will work.
  7. The healthcare.gov website will be secure.
  8. Emergency room visits will go down.
  9. The 23 healthcare cooperatives will be the end-all, save-all, be-all.

Warren’s comments last week are not unfamiliar. In 2010, Warren said that while her “first choice is a strong consumer agency,” if she could not have that her “second choice is no agency at all and plenty of blood and teeth left on the floor.”

The most “egregious” comment Republicans have made about Warren was calling her “Pocahontas.” The comment was made by then-presidential candidate Donald Trump in jest because Warren claimed to be Native American because her cheekbones were high. It turns out, Warren lied about her Native American heritage to advance her academic career.

Democrats rushed to label Trump a “racist.”

Republicans have not come out as strongly against Warren for her joke about wanting to “cut them open.” Warren, who is likely considering a run for president in 2020, is far more to the left of the majority in the Democratic Party. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has criticized the Republican Party’s attempts to make Warren the face of the Democratic Party. “It’s not going to work,” he has said of the strategy.

Meanwhile, Warren has consistently stated that the Democratic Party is “the party of opposition.” She has said, “Democrats have the minority in the House, the minority in the Senate. But that does not make us the minority party.”

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