Obamas Will Take Last Flight on Air Force One After Trump Inauguration

Obamas wave Air Force One

The soon-to-be former President Obama will take his last flight on Air Force One after the soon-to-be President Donald Trump takes office, the White House confirmed.

Citing tradition, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed that President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama would be leaving Washington D.C. on Air Force one after Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The pair will leave the White House for the last time aboard Marine One before Air Force One takes them someplace warm, according to their plans.

Obama has referred to his post-inauguration plans for years.

“I know what I’ll do right after the next president is inaugurated: I’ll be on a beach somewhere drinking out of a coconut,” he said in 2014, during an interview with Tumblr.

In April 2016, First Lady Michelle Obama said that she hoped to be “somewhere really, really warm” after the Inauguration.

The Obamas will return to Washington D.C. after their vacation, where they plan to live in a rented home while their daughter finishes school.


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