WikiLeaks: Tax Form Reveals John Podesta Continued Ties to Russian Energy Company After Claiming He Divested

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New WikiLeaks emails show Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta apparently maintained his connection to Russian government-backed Joule Unlimited long after he claimed to have severed ties and divested from the energy company.

As Breitbart news previously reported, Podesta obtained “75,000 common shares” from his membership on Joule’s executive board. He transferred those shares to his daughter, Megan Rouse, and designated her Dublin, California residence as the address for Leonidio Holdings LLC, the Delaware-based holding company that Podesta used to transfer his Joule shares.

But a June 1, 2015 email from Podesta-connected investment firm Equilibrium Capital Group to Rouse reveals financial transactions occurring mere months after Podesta left the Obama administration and long after he “cut his ties with Joule,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

“Hi Megan, Please find attached Leonidio Holdings, LLC’s 2014 K1 for ECG. Let me know if you have any questions or require any additional information. The one for John Podesta is just a final one to show the transfer,” the June 1, 2015 email read.

Rouse is listed as “managing member” of Leonidio Holdings LLC, according to financial documents.

The K1 tax income form attached to the email shows Podesta as being responsible for $139.328 in “withdrawls and distributions.” It also lists a partner sharing income between Rouse, Leonidio Holdings, and several other beneficiaries and Podesta family members.

“Mae and Gabe, Please see attached K1 for Leonidio. You can use this to complete your 2014 tax return. We will each report 1/3 share of what’s on the form. Mom and Pa, Please see attached K1 showing the distribution to Leonidio,” read an email Rouse sent in June 2015.

Podesta’s membership on the board of directors of Joule Unlimited was first revealed in research from Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer.

Podesta failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Barack Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014.

Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, told the Wall Street Journal that Podesta is clearly attempting to dodge government disclosure rules.

“America’s disclosure laws are designed to allow citizens to see what conflicts of interests our senior government officials might have,” Schweizer said. “That is especially the case when they or their families are financially linked to adversarial foreign governments.”

Podesta has yet to comment publicly on his involvement with Joule Unlimited.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @jeromeehudson


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