Hillary Clinton Ad Compares Donald Trump to ‘Mean Girls’

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign rally at The Smit
Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is out with a new ad comparing Donald Trump to some infamous bullies in Hollywood movies, including one of the Mean Girls in the hit 2004 comedy.

The ad features a clip of the film of the character Regina George played by Rachel McAdams berating her friend for suggesting that they go to Taco Bell when she is on an all carb diet.

Trump, the ad argues, is just as insensitive and mean.

The ad also features famous bullies in Hollywood films including Christmas Story and Back to the Future. At one point, the Clinton campaign compares Trump to Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as well as bullies from Karate Kid and Teen Wolf.

Clinton, the ad argues, is not a bully, and cares more about love and kindness.

The ad concludes with footage of a question asked by a little girl about how Clinton plans to stand up to bullies.

“We shouldn’t let anybody bully their way into the presidency,” Clinton says.


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