WikiLeaks Revelation: Clinton Staff Pushed to Near Suicide

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A senior manager at the Clinton Foundation was apparently pushed close to suicide because of the high level of stress that came with working for the Clinton family, according to an email released via Wikileaks.

In December, 2011, top aide Doug Band emailed a colleague in December 2011 to describe to the near-suicide of Laura Graham, Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and the chief operating officer of the Clinton Foundation.

Late last night, laura graham called me as she couldn’t reach my brother or her shrink. She was on staten island in her car parked a few feet from the waters edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park. She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc [William Jefferson Clinton] and cvc [Chelsea Victoria Clinton] as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore. I spent a while on the phone with her preventing her from doing that, as I have a few times in the past few months, and was able to reach roger and her shrink.

Band was a co-founder and president of Teneo, a global consulting firm, served as a top aide to Bill Clinton and he helped create the Clinton Global Initiative. The email was leaked because a copy went to John Podesta, another Clinton aide who is now the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

The Band email was a response to a Dec. 7 message from Hillary Clinton’s aide, Cheryl Mills, offering an office reorganization to reduce the intra-office conflicts.

This model would mean that all non-Foundation entities would no longer be  co-located with Foundation; that folks would be on a single payroll –  Foundation or personal. Whatever rules the Foundation creates for folks  being able to earn outside income would apply equally (so e.g., if Bari is  on the Foundation payroll and Dorvir; and Ami is on Teno and the Foundation.

After creating this office, Mills suggested that Chief Executive Officer or Chief of Staff be assigned personally to Bill Clinton. She explains that that person would be “accountable for ensuring that the implementation of the President’s will occurs in the various entities and the various entities would operate  according to the time and engagement and direction as necessary as the President gives.”

In his Dec. 8 reply, Band agreed with the proposed reorganization, cited the near-suicide, and offered his view of Chelsea’s problems.

I’m sure Chelsea is more concerned with a mostly false story in the distinguished NY Post about MF Global and Teneo not her role in what happened to Laura/Bruce, what she is doing to the organization or the several of stories that have appeared in the ny post about her father and a  multitude of women over the years

For teneo, well before mf global, we have been discussing this. Its going to hurt Teneo to have WJC on the adv bd any longer but we need come up with  a reorg concept for the relationship with WJC and Teneo that is lower key and handled privately and properly that we should discuss.

Teneo is an investment banking organization and international advisory firm that Band was co-founder of. Teneo acted as the middleman between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton State Department.


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