SHOCK RANT: Twin Falls Politician Savages Family of Refugee Rape Victim on Facebook

twin falls

TWIN FALLS, IDAHO — Three sources have confirmed to Breitbart News that they saw city councilman and former Mayor Greg Lanting launch an error-ridden Facebook attack on the parents of the five-year-old victim of a sexual assault by refugee boys.

In the post, which is now deleted, but which Breitbart News received as a screen capture, the councilman also made a claim about the sealed evidence in the case, even though he has no access to the sealed evidence.

Lanting’s Facebook comment claimed that;

You realize these Internet Fake news agencies can LIE all they want and can never be proven wrong. The case is sealed we will never know more than we know now. Another obvious lie is the child does not live with the father. The police and now the courts have had the video since the night of the assault. The father as far as I know it is not even involved with the child. All Caps no way he saw the video. I doubt they even talked to him. Let justice be served and let this child have a chance at a normal life without making up lies about what happened to her. The police and the courts are doing every thing according to state law!!!

Mr. Lanting’s statement is factually incorrect on several levels.

First, the victim lives and has always lived with her father, according to her parents.

Second, the victim’s father gave Breitbart News a detailed account of seeing 30 seconds of the video. We posted his account with a lengthy quote. Also, his statement was confirmed by a law enforcement source.

Third, witnesses saw the father speaking to law enforcement the night of the assault and also saw him watch the video.

The victim’s mother tells Breitbart News that after she confronted Lanting about his factual inaccuracies, Lanting deleted the post. Lanting made the post in response to a question by a third party, who confirmed to Breitbart News that they had the exchange.

Advocates for the child victim had been complaining for weeks that local politicians, including the city council members, as well as local media such as TV station KMVT, have been attempting to cover up the story of the sexual assault. For example, Breitbart has shown how KMVT has hidden information about the story from its viewers.

The Oxford University Press definition of cover-up is “an attempt to prevent people’s discovering the truth about a serious mistake or crime.” That definition includes spreading false information, such as the claim made by Lanting.

As Breitbart News has reported, refugees have been brought into Twin Falls as part of the labor force for Clif Bar, Chobani, and other local food processing companies. Governments provide companies with incentives for hiring the refugees — but the local government downplays the civic cost being imposed on the Americans in Twin Falls.

Twin Falls’ political and business interests have been threatened by the publicity about the refugee rape of the five-year-old girl that happened on June 2. Their p.r. problem has worsened by additional refugee crimes, including the molestation of a 33-year-old mentally retarded woman by a man previously touted by local media as an example of a peaceful Muslim, and the recent arrest of another Muslim man who attempted to kill people he met through the refugee program.

Lanting is a vocal advocate for the refugee program and earlier this year begin to act as a go-between on the issue, as reported by local radio station 1310 KLIX:

The City Council on Monday agreed to have one of its own members liaison between the council and a grassroots organization that supports refugees in the area.

Councilman Greg Lanting will work with nonprofit Magic Valley Refugee Advocates to share information between the two groups.

In 2015, Lanting was also named as a the new president of the Association of Idaho Cities and an article and interview described Lanting:

Lanting is a city council member in Twin Falls, and previously served as mayor under Twin Falls’ city manager form of government.  He has been on the city council for 10 years.

Lanting bragged in that interview that he was “the mayor when we brought Clif Bar to town and when Chobani opened,” adding “That was fun.  As mayor, you get to do lots of ribbon cutting.”

Breitbart News sent email to Greg Lanting and left a phone message requesting comment. As of Saturday, there was no response.


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