Ted Cruz in the Trenches: May Pick up Delegates in Louisiana as Donald Trump Caught Napping

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on March 24, 2016 in Dane, Wisconsi
Scott Olson/Getty Images

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump defeated rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in Louisiana primary, but Cruz may end up taking several more delegates out of that state, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report.

“Donald Trump beat Sen. Ted Cruz earlier this month in Louisiana’s Republican presidential primary by 3.6 percentage points, but the Texan may wind up with as many as 10 more delegates from the state than the businessman,” WSJ reported.

In Louisiana, Cruz and Trump each won 18 delegates. However, Cruz may now be able to gain 10 more delegates because there are five unbound delegates who can vote for whichever candidate they want. Additionally, five delegates are now up for grabs after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) left the race.

Louisiana also released the names for delegates on the Rules Committee, Credentials Committee and the Party Platform at the Republican National Convention, where Cruz supporters took five out of the six spots. The sixth hasn’t committed to any particular candidate.

These delegates will reportedly draft the 2016 convention rules, which will guide how the nominee is selected.

“I do not know Mr. Trump. I do not know his staff people. Quite frankly, we don’t have much of a campaign in Louisiana. All we have is voters,” Trump supporters Kay Kellogg Katz stated.

Cruz volunteers and supporters are also using the delegate game to their advantage, in Missouri, as Breitbart News recently reported.

The WSJ notes Cruz is working a similar plan in Georgia, and earlier this week Politico reported Cruz is also using the delegates to his advantage in South Dakota.


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