Donald Trump on Defining the GOP: ‘What Difference Does It Make’

Trump and Anderson Cooper Spencer Platt Getty
Spencer Platt/Getty

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said he doesn’t like labels, when he was asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper how he would define the GOP and whether or not he’s a conservative.

“I don’t think labels matter,” Trump said to Cooper during his interview on Wednesday. “What difference does it make? I mean, who cares, I have very conservative views.”

Trump said his position on trade might not be conservative, arguing, “I want smart trade.”

“The worst thing they can do is knock me out,” Trump told Cooper about the Republican Party, explaining that he brought it many voters who all want to be part of the Republican Party.

Cooper also asked Trump if he would be willing to debate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) one on one.

“I don’t think he is a good debater,” Trump said of Cruz, agreeing to debate him one on one. “I think it’s very phony.” The real estate mogul clarified that Cruz is a “pretty good debater, [but a] bad talker.”

“Everybody that’s hit me has gone down,” Trump bragged. “Perry came at me … Lindsey Graham came at me. Bush came at me,” he recalled. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have that happen to our country where we can very simply win again?”

The billionaire said Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who launched multiple attacks against Trump last week, “made up insults.”

“Maybe for me, it’s more natural,” Trump said about tossing insults against others. “Now, he’s at the bottom of the pack.”

Trump also talked about the “unbelievable hatred” from radical Islamic extremists. “There’s a sickness going on that’s unbelievable,” he added. “You have to get to the bottom of it.”


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