Ted Cruz Ad Hits Marco Rubio Over Immigration

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz addresses a Republican women's organizatio
Sean Rayford/Getty Images

Republican presidential candidate Sen.Ted Cruz (R-TX) is up with a new ad out hitting rival Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for using the same language as President Obama to promote immigration reform.

The ad begins with Rubio saying he would never support blanket legalization amnesty:

“I will never support, never have, and never will support, any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks who have entered, or stayed, in this country illegally,” Rubio says.

“Then Rubio got to Washington and wrote the bill giving amnesty to illegals, using Obama’s talking points to make his sales pitch,” The ad says.

The ad then shows clips of President Obama and Rubio using the same talking points.

The ad concludes, “Marco Rubio burned us once, he shouldn’t get the chance to sell us out again.”


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