Former Attorney General Eric Holder Sees ‘Younger Eric’ in Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter Protester REUTERS Sait Serkan Gurbuz
Reuters/Sait Serkan Gurbuz

Former Attorney General Eric Holder had advice and praise for the Black Lives Matter movement, comparing the radical leftist anti-police activist group to both Dr. Martin Luther King and “the younger Eric.”

In an interview with South Carolina Democratic Party chairman Jaime Harrison, Holder lauded the group for being disruptive, saying, “I think that they’ve disrupted things, but that’s what social change in this country is really all about.”

Holder also told Harrison, “In them I see a lot of the younger Eric. Full of energy, with a real sense of mission.”

Praise and empathy for Black Lives Matter coming from America’s former top cop, Eric Holder, is disturbing given the group’s open admiration for cop killers and terrorists, but not surprising given Holders own radical leftist background.

Harrison hints at this in the interview, mentioning  Holder’s involvement in “various student movements” such as black power demonstrations while attending Columbia University.

In his recent interview, Holder also said of Black Lives Matter, “They remind me of Dr. King as well,” referencing Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail. “He said, ‘Hey, look we can’t wait anymore. These are our rights and we need to deal with the fierce urgency of now,'”

Unlike the non-violent philosophy of Dr. King, however, the Black Lives Matter movement’s heroes are convicted terrorists, something that Holder fails to mention.

As Breitbart News has extensively documented, Black Lives Matter pays homage to convicted murderer Assata Shakur of the Black Liberation Army at every one of their events, and the group’s protesters are often seen wearing shirts that read “Assata Taught Me.”

Assata Shakur, who is certainly known to Holder for being on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted Terrorist list, was known as the Queen of the Black Liberation Army, a group that killed over 18 police officers during it’s reign of terror during the 1970s. Shakur was later broken out of prison by a leftist terrorist group known as The Family that was made up of former members of the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army and is currently living in exile in Cuba.

Black Lives Matter has also taken up the cause of convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmieh Odeh, who was responsible for several deaths in terrorist bombings in Israel before sneaking into America and becoming a community organizer. Odeh is awaiting a jail sentence and deportation, but Black Lives Matter activists have been vocal supporters of Odeh.

Holder had one specific criticism of the group’s tactics: the Black Livers Matter shutdown of a Bernie Sanders rally last year. Holder said the group alienated the audience when they had “the potential to turn all those people into allies.” Former AG Holder said:

If you had gone on that stage, made your point then retreated–let him speak–that would have been a lot more effective as opposed to angering the 10,000 or so who came to see him speak who were denied that opportunity. You had the potential to turn all those people into allies, and they focused more on the fact that they didn’t have the chance to hear their candidate speak.

Although the Black Lives Matter movement has been largely quiet so far this year, the group is poised to be a political player in the 2016 election. As Breitbart News has reported, the group has received the blessing of Democrats ranging from Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders to Pres. Obama and current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who have met with representatives of the group at the White House.

Black Livers Matter co-founder Patrice Cullors has promised to sit down with the national convention, to be held later this year in Cleveland, Ohio.

Holder had no criticism of that plan.


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