Sen. Rand Paul Leaving Presidential Race

WASHINGTON, DC - February 1: Senator Rand Paul (R-TX) speaks during a caucus day rally at

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is suspending his presidential campaign.

In a statement, Paul says:

It’s been an incredible honor to run a principled campaign for the White House. Today, I will end where I began, ready and willing to fight for the cause of Liberty.

Across the country thousands upon thousands of young people flocked to our message of limited government, privacy, criminal justice reform and a reasonable foreign policy. Brushfires of Liberty were ignited, and those will carry on, as will I.

Although, today I will suspend my campaign for President, the fight is far from over. I will continue to carry the torch for Liberty in the United States Senate and I look forward to earning the privilege to represent the people of Kentucky for another term.

Paul finished with 4.5 percent of the vote in Monday’s Iowa caucus, giving him one delegate. He was polling in the low single digits in New Hampshire as well.

Sen. Paul faces a tough race for re-election to the Senate from Kentucky. Last month, Lexington Mayor Jim Gray filed to run against him.


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