Obama: I’m ‘Leading the Global Fight Against Anti-semitism’

Obama Spielberg (Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press)
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press

President Barack Obama delivered a speech in Washington on International Holocaust Remembrance Day in which pledged to do “everything we can” to fight antisemitism. “We are all Jews,” he said.

Yet Obama made no mention at all of the antisemitism of the Iranian regime, which marked the day by releasing a video denying the Holocaust. Nor did Obama mention the antisemitism of the Islamic world–though he made special mention of Muslims who had saved Jews from Nazis in World War II.

Many Muslims also aided the Nazis during the way, including the Palestinian leadership, which collaborated openly with Hitler.

Obama has minimized the antisemitic nature of the Iranian regime, arguing last year in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic that it was a “marginal” feature: “At the margins, where the costs are low, they may pursue policies based on hatred as opposed to self-interest,” he said.

He ignored the fact that Iran’s antisemitism and hatred of America are fundamental beliefs that guide the regime’s approach to foreign relations and even domestic policy.

Bizarrely, despite enabling Iran to maintain its illegal nuclear program and build its ambitions as a regional power, Obama claimed in his speech to be leading the fight against antisemitism: “Certainly government has a responsibility. As President, I’ve made sure that the United States is leading the global fight against anti-Semitism. And it’s why, with Israel and countries around the world, we organized the first United Nations General Assembly meeting on anti-Semitism.”

So Obama’s answer to antisemitism is another committee–at the UN General Assembly, an incubator of Jew-hatred.

Sitting in the audience Wednesday at the Israeli embassy was Hollywood mogul Steven Spielberg, who gave Obama an award in 2014 for creating the “Atrocities Prevention Board,” which was meant to stop future genocides but has done absolutely nothing–least of all in Syria, where hundreds of thousands of innocents have died on Obama’s watch.

In his speech, Obama also mentioned his 2009 visit with Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel to the Buchenwald concentration camp, which his great-uncle had helped liberate.

He neglected to mention that he had also made a special visit on the same trip to the German city of Dresden, which was firebombed during the war, in an odd gesture of moral equivalence.

Moreover, Obama had been on his way home from Cairo, where he delivered a speech to the Muslim world but made no effort to visit, or even reach out to, Israelis–a gesture widely recognized as the beginning of the deterioration of relations between the two governments.

A year ago, Obama minimized the antisemitic nature of a terror attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris, calling the killings “random.”





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