GOP Senator Calls AG Lynch to Testify on Legality of Executive Gun Controls

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) has called Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify before the Senate on January 28 regarding the legality of President Obama’s executive gun controls.

Obama met with Lynch on January 4 to discuss possible executive actions, then announced the new controls on January 5.

According to The New York Times, Shelby sent a letter to Lynch informing her that he wants to “discuss the president’s firearms proposals and any potential infringement on law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights.” Shelby added, “Let me clear, I am not going to sit idly by and allow the department to implement unlawful, unconstitutional actions.”

Senator Shelby is chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee. That subcommittee funds the Department of Justice.

In the House, a censure of Obama is being pushed by Representative Steven Palazzo (R-Miss-4th). Breitbart News spoke with Palazzo over the weekend, and he stressed that Congress must take Obama on now, regarding executive overreach on gun control. Palazzo said, “If 2nd Amendment goes down, all our rights go down.”

Palazzo added:

The Second Amendment is the amendment that protects all our other rights. And censure is a formal rebuke–the strongest possible action that Congress can take toward the president, short of impeachment. And it is achievable. It would serve Congress’s best interest, in that we go on record rebuking the president for executive overreach. Doing so will protect the separate of powers–which is in the constitution–and will also shine a light on Congress’ status as a co-equal branch of government.

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